Thursday 13 June 2024 16.00-17.00 CEST (17.00-18.00 EEST)
Webex link:
Food and Intellectual Property Rights between Exploitation and Empowerment
Andrea Borghini, Department of Philosophy, University of Milan
Enrico Bonadio, The City Law School, City, University of London
The webinar will debate the odds and ends of recurring to intellectual property rights to promote seemingly positive outcomes for food systems and food cultures, such as creativity in the kitchen, transparency of communication to consumers, and empowering of small producers. The conversation will be based on the recently published volume Food, Philosophy, and Intellectual Property Rights: 50 Case Studies (Routledge 2024)
Andrea Borghini is Associate Professor in the Philosophy Department at the University of Milan, Italy, and Director of Culinary Mind, an international center promoting philosophical thinking on food with a multi-disciplinary and cross-disciplinary approach. His current research develops theoretical tools to rethink how we speak, structure, sense, and feel about food, eating, and culinary cultures. Recent books include: Gastrospaces: A Philosophical Study of Where We Eat (Routledge, forthcoming, with M. Bonotti, N. Piras, and B. Serini); A Philosophy of Recipes: Making, Experiencing, and Valuing (Bloomsbury, 2022, co-curated
with Patrik Engisch). Personal page:
Enrico Bonadio is Reader at City, University of London. He teaches, researches and advises in the field of intellectual property (IP) law. His current research agenda focuses on the intersection between IP and technology and protection of non-conventional forms of creativity, amongst other topics. He has two monographs – ‘TRIPS and genetic resources’ (Jovene 2008) and ‘Copyright in the Street – An Oral History of Creative Processes in the Street Art and Graffiti Subcultures’ (Cambridge University Press 2023).